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Willoughby Gazebo Summer Concert

Willoughby Gazebo 1 Public Square, Willoughby, OH, United States

Summer Concert Series. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy the music in the beautiful setting of Willoughby, Ohio.

Guarino’s Patio

Guarino's 12309 Mayfield Rd , Cleveland, OH, United States

Join us for an evening of fine food and music at the best outdoor patio in Little Italy.

Parma Heights Gazebo – Summer Concert

Greenbrier Commons Gazebo 6200 Pearl Road, Parma Heights, OH, United States

Join us for some great fun and good music as we continue with our Summer Concert Series.

Chagrin Falls Triangle – Summer Concert Series

Chagrin Falls Triange Park 1 N. Main St, Chagrin Falls, OH, United States

We are happy to once again be back at beautiful Chagrin Falls for this annual summer concert. Bring a lawn chair, blanket or simply tour the grounds while you enjoy some great music.

Berea Summer Concert

Coe Lake Gazebo Coe Lake, Berea , OH, United States

Once again we are back for a summer concert in Berea. In the past, we played at the Gazebo next to Coe Lake. That area is under construction for a new Amphitheater which will not be ready in time for our concert. Our location this year is still to be decided, so stay tuned. Once… Read More »Berea Summer Concert

Guarino’s Patio

Guarino's 12309 Mayfield Rd , Cleveland, OH, United States

Join us for an evening of fine food and music at the best outdoor patio in Little Italy.

Highland Heights Gazebo

Highland Heights Gazebo 5827 Highland Road, Highland Heights, OH, United States

We're back for our second year for a summer concert in Highland Heights. Please bring a blanket or lawn chair and come join us for some great music.

Lyndhurst Gazebo – Summer Concert

Lyndhurst Gazebo 5301 Mayfield Road, Lyndhurst, OH, United States

Join us as we add the city of Lyndhurst to our Summer Concert Series. This will be our first year in Lyndhurst and we look forward to seeing everyone there.

Conneaut D-Day Summer Concert

Conneaut Gazebo 1025 Buffalo Street, Conneaut, OH, United States

If you have never been part of this outstanding staging of the events surrounding one of the most significant events of American History, you're missing a lot. Come join us as we return to this great city in the far Northeastern region of Ohio. Come early to view the military encampments, see the actors in… Read More »Conneaut D-Day Summer Concert

Guarino’s Patio

Guarino's 12309 Mayfield Rd , Cleveland, OH, United States

Join us for an evening of fine food and music at the best outdoor patio in Little Italy.